OPIRG York is a social justice hub for York students and the wider community we are situated in.

Our board and staff provide tools, resources, and support to our Action Groups in the form of, but not limited to: funding, space to hold meetings and organize, outreach, and volunteer recruitment with events and actions. We are also committed to linking our action groups to the wider community we are a part of. We strive to bring together the wide range of student and community groups working on various social and environmental justice issues. We help them to exchange ideas, inform each others’ organizing, and collaborate so as to generate greater awareness of the various – and often, intersecting – campaigns they are working on.

Beyond supporting our Action Groups and community partners, we help to build campus and community-wide campaigns and program activities year-round for the OPIRG York community to come together, exchange ideas, deliberate, and take concrete steps to tackling the many social and environmental justice issues. These campaigns and events thematically highlight the most pressing issues of our times so as to keep our community engaged with the social justice landscape of our communities and City.